Saturday, July 2, 2011

July 4th weekend

So my wonderful and gorgeous ladies. What are your plans for the 4th?

For me I must say this will is going to suck! I got strep on Friday, so im still contagious at the moment :( bummer right?? well to top it off my husband got it, and both of my kids! Gotta love being sick in the summer. What a time for it. Why couldn't I get this during the winter when I don't mind being stuck inside.

Well on the 4th I'm planning a nice barb-q and we are going to shoot of some fireworks and then have a bonfire. I'm hoping to feel much better by Monday.

Have a fun and safe 4th of July weekend. 



I'm planning to get very tanned, naturally ;P I haven't gone to the beach all summer, so I'm hope I get a chance to go this weekend. I hope you feel better soon and the rest of your family <3

Pink Glam said...

I want to get to the beach to :) it would be super nice to just lay in the sun. It would probably make me feel better to.

the nichols' family said...

Sorry you don't feel good... hopefully you'll be better by tomorrow so you can enjoy some of the holiday! :)

Pink Glam said...

thank you :) so far im feeling much better. I let my kids go play in a our kiddie pool and I sat with them :)

Anonymous said...

OMG you are so pretty!!!!
i followed you back.. thank you very much, i appreciate it a lot!
more power to your blog.
